Dinner and Service

Let us do the cooking! Join us at 6pm for dinner and Service! A children’s program is available after dinner with an RSVP. RSVP for Dinner Here and Childcare

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Dinner and Thanksgiving

Let us do the cooking! Join us at 6pm for dinner and Thanksgiving! A children’s program is available after dinner with an RSVP. RSVP for Dinner Here and Childcare

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Dinner and Worship

Let us do the cooking! Join us at 6pm for dinner and Worship! A children’s program is available after dinner with an RSVP. RSVP for Dinner Here and Childcare

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Dinner and Stories – Knowing we belong

Let us do the cooking! Join us for dinner and a brief discussion. We host a children’s program after dinner with an RSVP. Dinner starts at 6pm and we conclude by 7:30pm. Connecting our story to God’s story.  Listen to different people across generations share “A Time I Felt God’s Presence”...

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