Moving the Mission Forward…Faith Chapel, celebrating success and pivoting forward.

Faith Chapel is having a Spring Cleaning Day on April 30, beginning at 9:00am.  Our goal on April 30 is to declutter, organize and clean, clean, clean top to bottom!!!  In addition, there will be several repair projects underway to make sure the facility is fully operational. As you know, Faith Chapel is home to the Lucketts Community Food Pantry.  But did you know that it also hosts weekly game groups, like Mahjongg and small group meetings?  We plan to reimagine the space to make it inviting and have mores space available for regular support to Lucketts community groups and events.

We need help of all kinds.  We have some outdoor digging and planting projects, scrubbing and repainting the iron fence, cleaning up the cemetery and small repairs.  We need help inside with hauling out disposable items, organizing and most of all, cleaning.  We would like to scrub and dust, wash windows, vacuum, clean hardwood, polish pews…the list in endless.  We also have some minor issues that could use the help of a plumber, electrician, or carpenter.  Many hands make for light work… and a good time!

You can help move the mission forward in Lucketts in at least three ways:

  1. Make a special gift toward repurposing the current facility to be a community center by helping us repair the roof and eventually update the HVAC.  The roof is a priority and will cost about $12,000 to repair.  We hope to address the HVAC in phase II and it will cost about $35,000 to replace. Give-here
  2. Make a special gift toward the Food Pantry.  Don’t like supporting bricks and mortar, then, help us continue to meet the food insecurity of 80 to 130 families as we twice a month provide top quality groceries. Give-here
  3. Give your time at a special one-day workday on April 30th 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.  Join us as we repair and clean the chapel built in 1885 from top to bottom including many outside projects and repairs.  There is a wide variety of work needed for all abilities and skill levels.  When you sign up let us know if you have abilities in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, or landscaping although none of those skills are required for you to make a difference and be a part of the workday.  We will provide lunch so this should be a great time of community.  Signup-here