Our Mission
We have a God-given mission that directs our life and work together. Riverside is a movement of the Holy Spirit, called by God to make disciples by: Connecting people to God and each other through Jesus Christ. Impacting our community and our world with Christ’s love. Empowering people to use their gifts to honor God.
Sunday Worship Schedule
10AM Worship: Kid’s Sunday School and Nursery. Live Stream Worship
11:30AM Adoración: En persona y en linea
More Information about us…
Our goal in worship is not ‘a perfect event’ our hope is you will feel that you can come as you are and will experience God and other people seeking to know God. You are welcome to come and see. The services are contemporary in style and relaxed. Children are always welcome to remain with their parents during worship. We also have a “wiggle room” in the back of our sanctuary for parents who would prefer this option. We believe the people not the building are the church, we welcome all individuals who are seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ.
We serve communion weekly in both services. All are welcome to the table who believe Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. We serve individual cups of grape juice with a wafer.
Sunday Morning
- 10:00am – Worship and LIVESTREAM, Kid’s Sunday School and Nursery
- 11:30am -Adoración: En Persona y EN LINEA
Where we meet
We are located at 21631 Ridgetop Circle, Sterling, VA 20166. We own Ridgetop Coffee and Tea and hope you enjoy a cup of coffee while checking us out!
A movement of the Holy Spirit means that we do not seek to push a human or political agenda. We want to be part of what God is doing.
Called by God to make disciples means that we believe that the way of selfless love that Jesus taught and lived is what leads us into the heart of God and the fullness of life that we were meant for. A disciple is merely one who commits to learning from Jesus and practicing the priorities of Jesus.
Connecting people to God and each other means that we believe that every human being was created to be connected, connected to God and connected to others. Understanding who we are as a church is to understand that Riverside is about relationships and the grace God in Jesus brings to all of our relationships.
Impacting our community and world with Christ’s love means that we choose to be part of a movement of God’s contagious goodness. We don’t just learn about Christ’s love, we seek to practice it and be of earthly good in our Sterling community and beyond.
Empowering people to use their gifts means that we help each other discover and develop spiritual practices that give us life, as well as encourage and equip one another to serve and lead in the mission that God has given us in our everyday lives and in our corporate life together.
To honor God means that we are not trying to build our own kingdom. We are not trying to see how big our church can get or to be the slickest church in town. We are seeking to be faithful to a God who deeply loves the world. We aren’t perfect. But we are committed to finding our identity, our hope, and our future in the One who meets us in our imperfections and invites us into a holy adventure together, in this life and for eternity.
We will practice room for one more. In a world that consistently seeks to keep “others” out (whomever gets defined as other), we seek to be a community that practices inclusion. There is always room for another chair at the dinner table. There is always room for another kid at camp. And there is always room for you, no matter where you are in life or what language you speak. We believe this reflects the Jesus who ate meals with sinners, welcomed children, and expanded the borders of God’s love to all people. (John 17:18, Matthew 14:16, Acts 1:8)
WE WILL STRIVE TO LIVE OUT LOVING AND GRACEFUL RELATIONSHIPS. In a world full of division, we seek to live out relationships that honor people and reflect God’s grace. Because we are human, we will disappoint and disagree with one another from time to time. We are committed to working through inevitable conflicts in the way of Christ’s reconciling love. That means we will go to those we have offended and to those who have caused us offense, and practice both honesty, confession, and forgiveness. (Matthew 5:23, Matthew 18:15, 1 Corinthians 13)
We don’t ask or require membership to be apart of our church family. We recognize no two paths are the same, our hope is that individuals and families grow in faith and become disciples of Jesus Christ whether you are lead to commit as a member or not. All are welcome. We ask those who want to make a public statement of Faith as a member of Riverside as their community to believe:
– The Mystery of the Trinity: God is mysteriously revealed to us in three different persons expressed as, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
– The Incarnation in Jesus Christ: Jesus was fully God and fully human in some mysterious way that we humans may never fully understand but can only believe and receive by faith.
If you want to know more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, a member of Riverside, getting baptized, or any questions about our church community let us know we would love to connect you.
We post our sermons weekly in English and Spanish. Click here to listen to the most recent sermon or to listen to worship music click here. If you would like to meet with someone from our Staff to learn more about Riverside or discuss a sermon contact us.
If you would like to receive our weekly emails that provides information regarding upcoming events for each ministry area, send a quick email to Office@RiversideChurch.com asking to be added.